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Table 2 Comparison of leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C) (Mean ± SE) between S. chamaejasme and the three coexisting species (L. chinensis, S. krylovii and A. eriopoda) (‰)

From: High nutrient uptake efficiency and high water use efficiency facilitate the spread of Stellera chamaejasme L. in degraded grasslands


S. chamaejasme

L. chinensis

S. krylovii

A. eriopoda


− (23.22 ± 0.06)aD

− (27.96 ± 0.02)bD

− (27.99 ± 0.03)bC

− (28.20 ± 0.06)cC


− (22.99 ± 0.04)aB

− (26.29 ± 0.09)bC

− (27.42 ± 0.04)cB

− (28.38 ± 0.05)dD


− (22.70 ± 0.02)aA

− (26.08 ± 0.04)bA

− (26.83 ± 0.01)cA

− (26.02 ± 0.03)bA


− (23.10 ± 0.05)aC

− (26.20 ± 0.04)bB

− (26.89 ± 0.04)cA

− (27.76 ± 0.02)dB

  1. Values designated by different lowercase letters were significantly different among four species. Different capital letters indicate significant difference among the four degrees of degradation, respectively (P < 0.05)