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Table 2 Results of generalized linear mixed effect models showing the relationship between plant yield parameters and pollinator variables for oilseed rape plants with pollinator access (open cage)

From: Wild pollinators enhance oilseed rape yield in small-holder farming systems in China

Response variable

Error distribution

Straw biomass

Wild pollinator abundance

Wild pollinator diversity

Honey bee abundance

Seed set



0.015 ± 0.007*

0.801 ± 0.352*


Fruit set






Seed weight






Yield/straw ratio



0.003 ± 0.001***

0.159 ± 0.053**


  1. Values indicate estimates and standard errors, a dash (–) indicates that the variable was not significant, a slash (/) indicates that the variable was not entered in the model because of dependency on the response variable, and asterisks show significance levels (*≤0.05; **≤0.01; ***<0.001)