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Figure 5 | BMC Ecology

Figure 5

From: Ecological implications of single and mixed nitrogen nutrition in Arabidopsis thaliana

Figure 5

Plot of log nitrogen ratio available in the environment, versus mean trait values for each pair of nitrogen from experiment 2 (1 Standard deviation is shown). The fitted curves from the GLMs (Table 2) are also shown. In all panels, nitrate + glutamine (Filled triangles, solid line), glutamine + asparagine (open circles, dotted line) and nitrate + asparagine (filled circles, dashed line). Ratios corresponding to the preferred nitrogen type as either rare or common are indicated along the x-axis. (A) Flower number, (B) rosette diameter, (C) number of leaves, and (D) stress index. Note that count data was fit with a Poisson error distribution and a log link function, which can produce the appearance of non-linear fits in the untransformed scale.

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