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Table 1 Optical, tissue, bleaching, and genetic data for individual corals

From: Skeletal light-scattering accelerates bleaching response in reef-building corals

  1. Skeletal optical properties [skeletal scattering (\( \mu^{\prime}_{S,m} \)), skeletal reflectance (R S )], and bulk scattering (μ S ʹ)], tissue thickness (all measured directly, except those annotated with citations [6, 74]), bleaching response index [BRI or the percent coral cover bleached and/or killed during mass bleaching events [18] used here as expected bleaching response for each taxon; parenthetical notation refers to genus- (g) or species-level (sp) estimations and the number of records that estimation is based upon], and genetic identity of corals and Symbiodinium assessed in experiment. Nucleotide sequences compared with Genbank (last accessed August 15, 2013) and reported as percent match (bar graphs) with accessions for coral mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI), cytochrome b (CytB), and nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genes; and Symbiodinium nuclear internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) and chloroplast 23S ribosomal (23S) genes. Shading of bars indicate the presence (solid black) or absence (diagonal lines) of the target species in Genbank, and low- (solid gray) or high-thermotolerance (stippled) of Symbiodinium [as reported in the literature (assuming C3u and C3v are similar to C3) [43, 7578] and indicated by parenthetical superscript number on the phylotype used to categorize thermotolerance]