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Archived Comments for: DNA barcoding facilitates associations and diagnoses for Trichoptera larvae of the Churchill (Manitoba, Canada) area

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  1. errors in publication

    Dave Ruiter, n/a

    21 February 2013

    Unfortunately BMC has introduced numerous errors during the editorial/publication process for this article and has published the error filled version. The editors are aware of these BMC errors and the authors are currently working with the editor to correct these errors and develop an acceptable version. The authors request that readers do not rely on this draft version.

    David E. Ruiter - senior author

    Competing interests

    A competing interest exists when your professional judgment about a paper could possibly be influenced by considerations other than the paper's validity or importance. Detail possible competing interests here...

    As the senior author I have no competing interests. My sole goal is to have the paper published correctly.

    David E. Ruiter - senior author

  2. Editor's Note - errors in provisional PDF

    Simon Harold PhD, Biomed Central Ltd

    21 February 2013

    It has been brought to our attention that the provisional PDF of this article originally published on 20th February 2013 contains a number of errors that had not been approved for release by the authors.

    Unfortunately, an earlier version of the submitted manuscript was inadvertently published. We would like to sincerely apologise for this error, and are working toward rectifying the situation as quickly as possible.

    We apologise for any inconvenience or confusion caused by this error.

    Simon Harold
    Executive Editor
    BMC Ecology

    Competing interests

    None declared
